
Saturday, August 15, 2009

you say goodbye, i say hello.

apparently all good things must come to an end. i don't personally believe this is true, but enough people have said it to me in the last couple of weeks that i'm beginning to think i'm in the minority. to me, life is a wild and unpredictable journey with God. portions of the journey end, and others begin. i happen to be at the end of one of the most beautiful, painful, and complex parts of my adventure yet.

as i look back at where i was only three and a half short months ago, i feel like a completely different person. God has blessed me with the privelege of meeting some awesome new people, and i was equally blessed to re-connect with my best friends. some friends have moved far away, and others are (thankfully!) still around. i have also had some incredible time with my family. but the transformation inside of me is nearly indescribable. God has shown me more of who i am and more of who He is. He's shown me more of what i want out of life, and more importantly, what He wants for me.

and i've learned that trusting Him is absolutely necessary in my life. it seems i can't learn that lesson enough. i am so thankful that my Father is in control... His plans are so much better than anything i could ever come up with. i love that He has something to teach me in everything He does. and i love love LOVE being on this journey with Him more than anything in this world.

"uphold me according to Your promises that i may live, and let me not be put to shame in my hope." -psalm 119:116

on a significantly less serious note, i got the new between the trees cd, "spain", in the mail today... its phenominal!! i'm going to livestock tomorrow, and i'm extremely excited about it! :)