I am a woman who takes pride in practicing honesty. The last week or two I have been reflecting on 2011, and if I'm being completely honest, it has been the worst year of my life. This has been a year full of loss. In fact, it has been so full of loss that at times I can hardly keep all the stories straight. I have lost friends, relationships, and job opportunities. I have had my trust betrayed more times than I can count. My life looks incredibly different from what I expected it would.
This post is not intended to be a pity party, rather an honest reflection from a broken woman. As I was talking to my mom the other day, I told her that this year had been so devastating that I could hardly find the good in it. There have been times that I have felt like what I was going through was completely pointless. However, I am here to testify that my Father has never left my side. I have doubted everything surrounding me except for God's faithfulness. He never let me walk alone. When I became most weary, he carried me. When the path in front of me was pitch black, he lit my way step by step. This may seem like a very basic truth, but it has been hugely significant to me this year.
Personally, I am looking forward to 2012. I need something to change. I need a change of attitude; a change of heart. I need a year full of more gain than loss. Most importantly, I need to continue to hold my Father's hand. I have no idea what this year will have in store for me, but I know that God is "able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20). I am standing firm on the belief that He will do that. No matter what happens, I know He will sustain me.